Strawberry cheesecake is so yummy and creamy melting in the mouth right from the start. It made with the delicious graham crackers as its base made using the relishing strawberry sauce. The cheese is whipped making it perfect milky white. There is a secret to making smooth cheesecake.
Total preparation time: 2 hours 25 minutes
Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking: 2 hours
Chilling time: 4 hours
Ingredients used for the Strawberry Cheesecake:
For the making of the Graham crust
- Graham crackers – 1 box
- Melted Butter- ½ cup
- Brown sugar – 1/3rd cup
- Vanilla- 1 teaspoon
Making the cheesecake
- Softened block cream cheese- 8 ounces
- Condensed sweetened milk- 14 ounce
- Sour cream- 1 cup kept at room temperature
- Vanilla extract- 2 teaspoons
- Lemon juice- 2 teaspoons
- Salt- ½ teaspoon
- Cornstarch- ¼ cup
- Eggs- 2 kept at room temperature
Making of the strawberry sauce
- Strawberries- 1 pound
- Lemon juice – 1tablespoon
- Sugar- ½ cup
- Vanilla extract- 1 teaspoon
- Cornstarch- 1teaspoon
Steps for preparing the crust:

Preheat the oven to 325oF by gathering all the ingredients.
Add crumbs of graham crackers made using the food processor. Add in the butter and vanilla extract after bringing the crust together.
Take a 9-inch springform pan and grease it all. Press the crackers to the bottom for making it even from the sides. Put a parchment paper for easy baking.
Bring the over to 200oF and start baking the crust for 7 minutes sharp.
Preparation of the cheesecake batter:
First, gather all the ingredients. Take a large bowl and add softened cream cheese blocks and on top, add in sweetened condensed milk along with sour cream, vanilla extract, salt, corn starch, and lemon juice. Beat it using a hand mixer for removing all the lumps.
Start beating the eggs in the mixture and combine it with the cream cheese. Beat the eggs only how much is required. Pour the mixture to the crust bake and put it to the oven.
It needs a baking of about 120 minutes. If the cheesecake starts to jingle, it is ready. Keep it to cool for about 15 minutes before taking out. Then keep it in the fridge for 4 hours for cooling purposes.
Preparation of the topping:
Cut the strawberries into halves and put them in a bowl.
To the strawberries, add in lemon juice, vanilla extract and put them in a saucepan. Stir and cook for another 8 minutes.
Add water for maintaining consistency. Cook for 2 minutes for the mixture to thicken. Add in more strawberries and turn off the gas.
After taking out the Strawberry cheesecake from the fridge, add the sauce on top and serve. The cake can be kept in the refrigerator packed tightly for 3 days.
Remove the Strawberry cheesecake from the spring-form while cooling and wrap it using plastic wrap. You can also wrap it using a foil for extra protection. Cut the cheesecake into individual pieces and enjoy it.
Strawberry cheesecake brings happiness and smiles to faces as it is delicious. Bring home the ingredients and start preparing one!