
Diversity of The Taiwanese Culture Will Definitely Amaze You!

The sheer diversity and depth of Taiwan make it a wonderful place for celebrating so many festivals and enjoying life to the full.

The biggest festivals in Taiwan have their roots in China and the Taiwan calendar is known for its collection of festivities and celebration of an array of diverse regional festivals.

To get a proper taste of Taiwanese culture, you have to be a part of these experiences and be part of time-honoured traditions. Some of the festivals of Taiwan are listed as under:

1. Dragon boat festival

It is one of the annual festivals of Taiwan with the festival originating from the ancient times remembering poet Qu Yuan. This festival is also known as the Poet’s Festival.

The attraction of the festival is the racing dragon boat or even exchanging of dumplings made using rice called Zongi. This festival is fun and you can take part in it for understanding the culture of the festival.

2. The Chinese New Year

It is one of the most popular festivals in Taiwan. It is celebrated for leaving the passing year with fond memories and embracing the new year with vigor and zeal. It is a spring festival celebrated on the first day marking the Lunar Calendar year.

People do all the cleaning on the last day for getting rid of all the bad things. The locals distribute sweets and foods to kids and elders and you can enjoy firework shows. It is celebrated from 1st to 5th of the Lunar Calendar Year.

3. Guanin’s Birthday

Guanin is an important deity of Taiwan known as the Goddess of Mercy. It is celebrated in various Buddhist temples all over Taiwan with the main held at Longshan temple in Taipei and also Zizhu temple.

The temple has history revolving around 300 years with the festivals offering so much to its visitors. Some of the things include food distribution and also performing martial arts. If you want to observe the local culture, this festival turns out to be a good option to witness.

4. Mid-Autumn Festival

This festival is celebrated right after the first autumn harvest. They pray for a good harvest and people pray for a healthy year ahead. It is also a romantic festival religious in nature.

You will find couples taking moon cakes as well as wines as they will be seen strolling under the moon symbolizing love and unity strength. Families can be seen celebrating this festival with barbeque parties and also eating together.

5. Grappling with ghost

Grappling with a ghost is more of a competition in a festival where people can be seen climbing up poles. It is mostly held during Ghost Month with the name. As per beliefs, all people who came to Yilan were being hit by numerous diseases and disasters.

Many of them died and went into the afterlife after that. Thus, after reaching of Yilan, many of these migrants celebrate the pole ceremonies. Nowadays, people also participate in many pole climbing competitions.

These are some of the festivals in Taiwan. Visit Taiwan during the time of these festivals and indulge in its joy and excitement.

Written by Infeagle

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